Rink Variations

The charts and diagrams below represent some variations in ice rinks that occur depending on the event being hosted.


  Rink Air Temp C⁰ Ice Temp C⁰ Max Relative Humidity
Game +6 -5 70%
Training +6 -3 70%
Figure Skating      
Competition +12 -4 70%
Training +6 -3 70%
Other +18

*The number provided is an estimated temperature fluctuation when the event is in progress*


  Ice Slab Temperature Brine Temperature
  ⁰F ⁰C ⁰F ⁰C
Standard Ice Rink 22 -5.5 20 -6.5
Hockey 23 -5 21 -6
Curling 24 -4.5 22 -5.5
Figure Skating 25 -4 23 -5
Public Skating 27 -3 25 -4
Ice Maintenance 29 -1.5 27 -3

*These temperatures should provide ideal ice characteristics for each event*